Crystalline Consciousness Technique

‘The most valuable possession you can own is an open heart. The most valuable weapon you can be is an instrument of peace.’

~ Carlos Santana


Crystalline Consciousness Technique, or CCT, is a method of healing which taps into the energy source of your mind and body.

We are comprised of energy. Our molecules are, at any given moment, full of life and movement – never static. This ‘life energy’ is in and around us – and can be accessed by a variety of methods. CCT is one of those methods.

How does it work?

CCT essentially bypasses our conscious intent and works to delve into our purely energetic being, enabling the practitioner to access those physical, spiritual and emotional issues of which we may not be readily aware. A session can be broken down into three distinct parts:

1. The energy field of the person is accessed and assisted in forming a harmonious field, releasing all negative or distorted patterns.

2. Intent is then expressed, focusing the energetic field on growth and healing.

3. The final phase assists the energetic field in creating lasting new, healthier patterns, which enable you to enjoy a new level of self-awareness and peace.

It may take some time for the third phase to fully take effect – old patterns must be released from cellular memory, which can create a period of unease, or chaos. This will soon be replaced by a greater sense of freedom and clarity, along with a feeling of being more centered.

CCT works wonderfully when in tandem with Life Coaching sessions – helping you to more fully open to positive change in your life.

How can you prepare for a CCT session?

Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing

Try to schedule a session when you aren’t over-stressed or hurried. You want to be able to relax fully.

Be open and objective to any outcome. Allow, don’t force, self-awareness to enter.

Keep a journal of your sessions, including your impressions after a day, a week, a month.