Would you like to be able to set boundaries - say 'no' without guilt? Regain your wild and creative self? Lose the stress and create a … Read More...

Do you suffer from vague physical symptoms which seem to have no cause? Perhaps you have chronic issues which have not … Read More...

You CAN trust your own intuition again and get back in 'sync' with your authentic self. Take my hand and we'll go forward, one step at a … Read More...
Holly’s Blog

Perspective is Everything
When was the last time you announced you were tired? Or bored? Or overwhelmed? How did that make you feel? It’s likely that voicing the negative didn’t help much. It may have made you feel much worse. This is not to say you cannot vent – venting (in the right circumstances) can be really cleansing. Get rid of those negative emotions and leave them behind. If you get stuck, however, in a pattern of seeing the glass half empty – the … Read More...