Holly Mitten http://hollymitten.com Coach, Healer, Leader Wed, 02 Jul 2014 20:17:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Invisible forces http://hollymitten.com/invisible-forces/ http://hollymitten.com/invisible-forces/#respond Thu, 29 Mar 2012 22:08:09 +0000 http://hollymitten.com/?p=31 I was sitting quietly on the porch of my friends’ home on the coast, slowly waking up to the day.  I glanced at the cloud cover, musing that the full moon would not be visible today.  I realized that, visible or not, every life on the planet would be affected by this lunar force.  That moon still held it’s sway – tides would change, and somewhere it’s light would brighten the night.

There are so many invisible forces at play in our lives every minute – not just the sun & moon on cloudy days, but the forces of thoughts which run through our mind without invitation or conscious consideration. 

In those moments when I’m focused on the old stories and how they might repeat, or catastrophizing over what hasn’t happened yet, I am unable to see the forces behind them.   When I stop living on auto-pilot, I know that how I feel is directly related to this ongoing chatter, all the ups & downs, fears & satisfactions.  And yet, when those silent forces are at work, where I sit is not in the past or the future – I am in the present, right now, where all things are possible, and nothing more is needed.

Being present is like having magic glasses that make the invisible appear – both the bothersome thoughts that pull me off track, and the personal wisdom which sets me back on the path.

Being present is simple, but it’s not always easy.  Stop and take a deep breath – take 30 seconds and find things to appreciate and be grateful for – just close your eyes and rest.  On good days I remember all of this maybe 10 times – and get myself on track.  Many days, I’m clear at the start, and only pause when I get angry or frustrated, when the need for a shift is obvious. In either case, most of the time the invisible forces have their way with me, and I miss those moments of happiness, connection, peace.  I’m certain that creating the habit of getting present is one way I can be in my life, and enjoy all of it.

So, in this present moment, I vow to get a good grip on those glasses.

Each time I get a cup of tea, or answer the phone, I’ll get present and feel myself alive again – able to see the truth, and make the choices that will bring all of the best more clearly into focus.  Smiling, peaceful, happy, here.


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